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Tips for Couples Moving in Together

Are you and your significant other moving in together? If so, congratulations! This is an exciting time in your relationship. However, it can also be a bit stressful. There are a lot of things to think about when moving in together, from dividing up the bills to deciding who will take care of the dishes each night. In this blog post, we will provide you with some tips for making the transition as smooth as possible. Read on for advice on everything from setting ground rules to organizing your new space.

The Benefits of Moving in With Your Partner

There are many benefits of living together

For many couples, moving in together is a big step in their relationship. One of the biggest benefits of living together is that it can save you money. You can split the cost of rent, utilities, and other bills. You may also be able to get discounts on things like car insurance. 

Another plus is that it can be more convenient than living apart. You won’t have to commute to see each other, and you’ll always have someone to help with things like groceries or taking out the trash.

But there are also some potential negatives to moving in together. It can be difficult to adjust to living with another person, and you may find that you don’t have as much privacy as you’d like. There’s also the potential for arguments over things like cleaning or dishes. If you’re considering moving in with your partner, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision.

Helpful Tips on Moving in With Your Partner

No matter how excited you are about moving in with your partner, you’re probably feeling a little nervous too. Fortunately, there are some things you can do so that you and your partner are more prepared for your new living situation. 

Do a Trial Run Before Officially Moving in Together

One of the best ways to make sure you’re ready for the move is to do a trial run first. This way, you can figure out what works and what doesn’t before you’re actually living together. You might find that you don’t like your partner’s habits as much as you thought you would, or that you need more personal space than you realized. 

A trial run will help you figure all of this out before it’s too late. Plus, it’ll give you a chance to really bond with your partner and make sure you’re both on the same page about the move. It’s important to remember that how long before moving in together depends on what you and your partner are most comfortable with. 

Think About What You Want to Keep and What You Want to Get Rid of

Moving in with a partner is a big step in any relationship. It’s a time when you’re really starting to build a life together, and that means making some decisions about what kind of life you want to have. One of the most important decisions you’ll make is what to do with your stuff. 

Depending on how much stuff you have, and how much space your new place has, you may need to downsize before moving in together. That can be tough, but it’s worth considering for a few reasons. First, it will help you save money on moving costs. Second, it will help you avoid arguments about who gets to keep what. 

Additionally, it will give you a chance to start fresh together, with only the things that are really important to both of you. That being said, you may want to consider looking into your storage options

Make a Plan for Shared Expenses

Plan your budget together

One of the biggest financial challenges that couples face is managing shared expenses. When you live together, it can be easy to let bills and other costs pile up, which can put a strain on your relationship. 

To avoid this, it’s important to sit down with your partner and come up with a plan for how you’ll handle shared expenses. This doesn’t have to be complicated – you can simply decide who will pay for which bills, and how you’ll handle shared costs like groceries. However, taking the time to develop a budget and establish some financial ground rules can help to keep your relationship healthy and stress-free. Plus, it will give you both peace of mind knowing that you’re on the same page financially.

Talk About How You Will Handle Guests 

Before moving in together, it’s important to have a discussion about how you’ll handle long and short-term guests. Do you want to allow overnight visitors? How often can people stay? What are your expectations around hosting parties or other events? 

By talking about these things in advance, you can avoid conflict and misunderstanding down the line. If you’re not on the same page about guests, it can be a source of stress and tension in your relationship. agreed-upon guidelines will make it easier to relax and enjoy having people over. 

Plus, if you ever do have a disagreement about guests, you’ll already have a plan in place to fall back on. 

Decide Who Will Be Responsible for Which Chores 

Before you make the move, it’s important to sit down and discuss who will do what tasks. Many couples find it helpful to divide up chores based on interests and skills. For example, if one person enjoys cooking, they might take on meal prep while the other person handles grocery shopping. 

Or, if one person is better at keeping things tidy, they can take on most of the cleaning. Ultimately, the key is to find a system that works for both of you and prevents any feelings of resentment. If you’re both flexible and open to compromise, you’ll be sure to find an arrangement that keeps your home (and your relationship) running smoothly.

Don’t Forget About Your Me Time 

When you move in with a partner, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Between work, chores, and spending time together, it can be tough to find time for yourself. However, it’s important not to forget about your alone time

Taking a few minutes each day to do something that you enjoy — whether it’s reading, taking a walk, or just taking a moment to relax — can help you stay sane and stress-free. Additionally, making time for yourself can help to improve your relationship with your partner. If you’re always happy and well-rested, you’ll be in a much better mood to spend time with your partner. 

Get Ready for Your New Beginning

For lots of couples, moving in together is the first step in planning a future together. Now that you’ve had time to read our checklist of moving in together, you can feel a little more prepared. 

If you need a place to store some of the belongings you won’t be moving into your new space, we can help. At Centron Self Storage, we have a variety of storage lockers in North York as well as storage unit tips. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Centron Self Storage North York

12 Tips for Safely Moving Your Items Into Storage

Disassembling large or heavy furniture can help you avoid injury. When doing so, keep all the dismantled parts (such as bolts, screws, or other small pieces) together to prevent confusion when you reassemble the item in your new house. For example, unscrew the legs when moving a table, and extract the draws when moving a desk. If you have furniture prone to scratches like coffee tables, tabletops, and headboards, wrap them in protective padding. You can rent padding from storage facilities or moving companies. 

Moving Heavy Objects Safely 

Disassemble large furniture

Trying to move boxes that are too heavy will suscept you to injury and potentially damage your belongings. Thus, limit the weight of your boxes to under 50 pounds if possible. Furthermore, make sure you’re putting heavier items at the bottom of the box and lighter items at the top to balance it out. 

Moving Fridges Safely

Move the heaviest and largest items first, including the fridge, washing machine, dishwasher, and stove. Additionally, make sure you get a few people to help you with carrying these items. Put the heaviest objects on the sides of the trunk to keep things balanced, and make sure all items are upright. Additionally, items like mirrors, mattresses, box springs, couches, tables, and headboards should go against the longest walls of the trunk. The heaviest and largest boxes should follow this. Fill as many of the truck’s crevices as possible to prevent items from sliding while you are driving. 

Find a Truck With a Ramp 

If you’re moving your items into the moving truck on your own, you should highly consider getting a truck with a loading ramp. Though the cost of renting a truck without one may be less expensive, the struggle and hassle of lifting every piece of furniture and box high enough to fit it properly into the trunk could leave you with sore and potentially strained muscles. Furthermore, it could take hours.

Use the Correct Size Boxes

Pack items in the right sized boxes

Pack books or other heavy items in small boxes while packing pillows, linen, or other light objects in more giant boxes. Professional movers commonly complain about packing large boxes with heavy items, which makes the job more difficult and are more likely to break. Both of these factors could potentially cause injury to the movers. 

Protect Fragile Items 

Fragile items should be the last to be put in the trunk and should be placed so that they won’t move while they are being transported. Consider packing fragile items in boxes with light items like linens, clothing, pillows, or towels to provide some cushioning and prevent them from breaking or getting banged up. Alternatively, you could purchase bubble wrap, which will prevent dishes from crashing into each other and is inexpensive.

Pack the Kitchen Carefully

There are many different types of kitchen items you’ll need to pack for a move. Here are some tips for packing your kitchen:  

Pack Your TV Properly 

Plasma TVs need to be packed more carefully than other types of furniture, as they need to be shipped in special wooden crates and be damaged if you don’t have the original box and lay them down flat. If you pack your TV on your own, double-box it and put it inside another box that you have padded using packing paper. 

Hold Onto Important Records 

Don’t pack your important records into boxes, but keep them in a safe place where they won’t be lost. This may include your:  

Tape Your Boxes Well 

Seal the top and bottom seams using a few pieces of tape. Afterward, wrap all the way around the top and bottom edges of the box, as that is where stress is most concentrated. This will keep your items secure and free from damage. 

Moving Expensive Art 

If you want to keep your artwork safe during the moving process, understanding how to pack it correctly is essential. Don’t wrap oil paintings in normal paper, as they will stick. When packing any artwork, use masking tape to make an X across the glass, strengthening it and keeping it together if it shatters. Afterward, wrap the pictures with bubble wrap or paper before putting them in a frame box. Make sure to also stick cardboard between each framed piece to protect them. 

Don’t Leave Empty Space In The Boxes. 

Make sure that you fill gaps in your boxes with packing paper or light items like clothing or towels. If your boxes are packed loosely or feel unbalanced, movers might refuse to move them because this can lead to damaged or broken items. 

Are you looking for storage near you? Search no further than Centron Self Storage! We ensure that your belongings are being kept safe 24/7, employing fully-trained staff and state-of-the-art technology. Contact us at (647) 557-7378 or visit our office at 4500 Chesswood Drive North York, ON M3J 2B9 if you’re interested in our services.


Centron Self Storage North York

How Self-Storage Can Benefit Home Stagers

Looking to sell your home? When putting your house on the market, you’ll need to rely on more than just the house’s location, size, and price to attract buyers. The condition of the house, as well as the physical appearance of the interior and exterior, will determine the number of offers and potential buyers you receive. A home that appears to not have been properly maintained will sell for much less than a home that looks to be a product of hard work and dedication, with beautiful furniture and decor.

Centron Self Storage North York

Here are some ways that self-storage can benefit home stagers, helping you make your home more attractive at a low cost. You can call on professional home stagers to help you decorate or add furniture and appeal to more buyers and receive better offers, or you can attempt home staging yourself by implementing your own creative tactics.

What Is Home Staging?

Home staging is the process by which real estate agents and home sellers prepare a home to be sold. This includes switching out decor, removing items from the home, and making adjustments to the living space to attract buyers by helping them see themselves in the house. It can simply mean removing a few items from the walls and shelves or can be a total furniture makeover. It can make the home easier to market, drawing more buyers from listing photos and other visual marketing mediums.

Reduce Clutter

Get rid of clutter to make your home look more presentable

In real estate, first impressions are crucial. For those planning to sell their homes soon, it’s important to make your place look as tidy and aesthetically pleasing as possible for potential buyers who are touring. Thus, renting a storage unit will give you a place to store unwanted or unnecessary items until you can move them to your new location, giving your home a less cluttered and more appealing look to present for viewings.

Make Room For Creativity

Once you remove clutter, you can focus on using new, better-looking furniture and decor that will make your home more attractive. Consider hiring professional home stagers, who will come with their own furniture and decor to help the space come alive the way it was intended to. Otherwise, you can use your favorite furniture, thrifted pieces, and/or borrowed items to add more intrigue to your home.

Designing and living in a home is very personal, and there’s a lot of variety when it comes to style and taste. A minimalistic, neutral look is often the best way to go when staging a home, as it will appeal to a wider audience than a look targeted towards a particular niche. Some people even choose to leave with only the bare minimum or empty so visitors can envision their decor and ideas for the space. Thus, you may want to store away any bold or excess furniture. You’ll at least want to remove any personal items before viewings so that visitors can imagine themselves living in the space as opposed to feeling like it already belongs to someone else.

Protect Items

Keep your items in pristine condition

Another benefit of having a self-storage facility is that you have a secure place for your items to be safely tucked away during your home staging and selling process. Equipped with surveillance cameras, security lighting, heavy-duty fences, and electronic gate controls, these facilities will deter theft so you don’t have to worry about your items being stolen.

Make Your Move Easier

Self-storage helps you get a head start on your packing and moving. Rather than leaving things for the last minute, begin moving items from your house to your self-storage unit at your own pace. This creates space in the house for staging and will help make the packing process smoother and easier in the long run.

Climate Controlled Advantage

With self-storage, your items will be guaranteed protection from the elements and kept in a climate-controlled environment. This will help keep your furniture in solid condition, as hot, humid, or extreme temperatures can damage or destroy certain items. Rather than storing your home furniture and decor in your garage, attic, or basement, use a climate-controlled storage unit to ensure that your belongings will remain in tip-top shape, even if you have to leave them in storage longer than anticipated.

Prioritize Key Spaces

Not all rooms hold the same importance when it comes to staging. This is a positive thing for sellers who may not have enough resources to put towards a full home staging. Knowing what rooms are important (the top four being living rooms, master bedrooms, kitchens, and dining rooms) enables sellers to prioritize certain areas when staging. Avoiding the rooms that don’t make much of a difference allows you to be as efficient as possible, maximizing the amount of impact while doing less work. Using self-storage, you can pack away excess items in these key spaces to make these areas look as attractive as possible.

Sell Faster

The last thing a seller wants is to find themselves on a stale listing. The longer a house is on the market, the more difficult it can become to sell. Thus, there’s a lot of incentive to get your place sold as soon as possible. 25% of sellers agents reported a large decrease in days on the market for staged homes. Staged homes tend to sell faster because it helps buyers evaluate whether or not they can see themselves

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in the property and see the potential for the space. By packing away excess items in self-storage, you can make your home look more neat and polished for pictures you want to post on listing sites.

Overall, self-storage can be a huge help during the home staging process and throughout the moving process. With extra effort and planning, home staging can help your house look its very best to attract the right buyers and offers. Find affordable, convenient self-storage near you!

Entrust your belongings to Centron Self Storage. We offer clean and secure storage units in North York. Reserve yours now by calling us at (647) 557-7378!

Useful Tips for Storing Your Holiday Decorations

The Holidays have ended. For many, this could mean taking down their decorations. While festive decorations are a great joy during the holidays, they can be a pain to pack up and store.

Holiday decorations can quickly fill up your home and eat up some precious storage space. Before your Christmas ornaments clutter up your garage, basement, or attic, you need a proper storage solution now. This year, why not try renting out a self-storage unit? After all, you only use these goods once a year.

When keeping decorations, take extra care to ensure that they remain in good shape. Follow these tips on organizing and storing your holiday decorations.

To save you from the hassle, make an inventory of your decorations. Better yet, take pictures of the decorations before putting them away for storage. Grab your mobile phone and start photographing. Take pictures of which containers you placed them. That way, all you have to do is scroll through your albums to know where exactly to get them.

Use plastic bins for protection

Many decorations are extremely fragile. It will defeat the purpose of safekeeping if they break while in storage. For your holiday decor storage containers, invest in some robust plastic containers, rather than in battered cardboard boxes year after year. These plastic bins can be stacked without fear of crushing objects in the bottom bin while in storage. You can also colour code them so you can tell which bins in your storage facility hold seasonal decorations.

In case plastic containers aren’t available, it’s a good idea to invest in cushioning supplies, like bubble wrap or packing peanuts, to avoid breakage while packing and storing your Christmas gifts. You can also utilize old clothing and blankets as DIY cushioning alternatives for your holiday decorations.

Christmas trees are a staple holiday decoration

The Christmas tree is probably the most important holiday decoration of all, so proper attention must be given to it. Despite the fact that fake trees are fairly resilient, storing your tree in its original box is not a good idea. The tree will not look as attractive if it has to be squeezed into the box and reshaped every year. Besides, the box will deteriorate with each passing year, making it susceptible to insect infestation.

There are a variety of tree storage container solutions available to safeguard and maintain your tree. If you can dismantle your tree, then do so accordingly and place them inside plastic containers. Alternatively, keep your tree in perfect condition by storing it in climate-controlled storage. This is especially critical if you have a frosted, flocked, or white tree, as they don’t do well in cold weather.

If possible, keep decorations inside their original boxes

Most ornaments are invaluable treasures because they were either handmade by family members or were passed down as heirlooms, so you need to be creative with your holiday decoration storage ideas. You may buy specially constructed boxes to hold decorations at your local home craft store. You can also get creative and employ DIY ways to store smaller ornaments, such as utilising plastic cups enclosed inside a box or a cardboard egg crate. Keep the boxes for larger or unusual shaped ornaments if at all possible. If you don’t have any boxes, wrap the ornaments in tissue paper gently.

Candles need special care

To avoid scratching and discolouration, wrap candles in old socks or cellophane.
Plastic wrap or wax paper should not be used since they can stick to your candles. Keep them flat, out of direct sunlight, and in a relatively cool location unless you want melted, deformed globs of wax, of course. After you’ve finished wrapping them, keep them in a box or crate, or even in your ornament storage boxes, in a climate-controlled section of your home or storage facility.

Keep holiday decorations inside secure self-storage units

Many homeowners like decking their halls with festive lights, ornaments, statuary, and other decorations during the holidays, yet find them a hassle to store at the end of the season. These tips on Christmas ornament storage will help you save time and effort.

If you need a place to store your valuable items, turn to Centron Self Storage. Our storage units in North York are ready to keep your decorations safe and good as new. Call us at (647) 557-7378 to reserve a unit.

Helpful Tips for Storing Tires

Due to their size and the extra procedures required to keep them in good shape, storing tires may be a stressful chore. But, sometimes, you may not have any choice. When seasons change, for example, storing summer tires in winter and winter tires come summer is a must. Because temperature and exposure to the elements are the two most critical factors that affect the condition of a tire, it’s important to consider how to store your tires during the off-season.

All tires will inevitably deteriorate, but some things could be done to slow down the process. If you don’t know where to begin, you’re not alone. Here are some tire storage tips, so you can get the most out of your tires:

Removing tires from cars relieves pressure

If you’re storing a car for more than a few months, take your tires off the car if at all possible to ensure long-term care in storage. Flat-spotting can occur if the tires are left on the car for longer periods. Removing the tires also allows you to maximize the storage conditions for your tires while also eliminating common causes of strains such as vehicle weight, temperature fluctuations, and so on.

When you are unable to remove the tires from the vehicle for storage, you must take particular precautions to ensure that the tires are correctly stored. It’s best to start by removing the weight from the tires by mounting the vehicle on jack stands or other load-bearing equipment. If you can’t remove the weight from the tires, it’s best to leave the car fully empty so that just the bare minimum pressure is placed on the tires. Make sure to take the automobile for a ride every few months at the very least to keep the tires in good shape. Tires perform best in service because motion distributes oil uniformly throughout the rubber, preventing it from drying out.

Cleaning tires removes dirt before storage

Clean your summer tires after they’ve been swapped for winter tires or vice versa. To remove road filth, dirt, and brake dust, clean them with a tire brush, soap, and water. Now is also an excellent time to look for indicators of wear on your tires, such as cracks, bulges, and uneven tread wear.

Tire dressing is not necessary. Tire compounds are designed to withstand ozone cracking and other environmental factors. Such products can actually shorten the life of your tires rather than help them last longer.

There are also tire storage caddies or tire totes available. These make it easier to transport and store tires while also keeping them clean and dust-free. They are not, however, airtight. If you choose to use them, bag the tires first before putting them in your tire tote.

Climate-controlled storage units offer stable temperature and humidity

The most ideal tire storage conditions are cool and dry, with consistent temperature and humidity levels.

If at all possible, avoid keeping your tires outside or in a garage. These places are prone to sunlight and weather exposures. Another common option is the basement. If you’re storing your tires there, just make sure that they are kept away from furnaces, water tanks, sump pumps, and other ozone-producing machines. To keep a consistent atmosphere, consider renting a climate-controlled storage facility.

On the white side, the black rubber is compounded differently than the black rubber on the other side. The white rubber on the tire’s white side is covered with a layer of non-staining black rubber to prevent oils in the tire from flowing into the exposed white rubber and discolouring it; however, the black sidewall is made of ordinary rubber. To keep white rubber bright and avoid blemishes, store it black-to-black and white-to-white.

Avoid storing tires near harmful chemicals and products

Don’t store tires in places near battery welding equipment, and electric motors, like furnaces, water heaters, central vacuums, generators, or a sump pump in the basement. These engines could create and emit tiny amounts of ozone, which isn’t good for tires in storage.

Exposure to hazardous materials and chemicals, such as petroleum-based products, gasoline or oil, and other solvents, can damage the weathering agents in rubber, causing premature cracking.

The proper way to store tires is normally based on whether your tires are still mounted on the rims or have been removed from the wheel before storage.

In either case, try to rotate their position every 4 weeks to help alleviate pressure on the other tires or the rim.

Proper tire storage can go a long way

Tires are delicate objects, but a little tender loving care may go a long way. Although appropriate car tire storage may appear to be complicated, following these simple storage best practices and keeping an eye out for potential threats will help your spare set of tires last as long as possible.

Entrust your tires to Centron Self Storage. We offer clean and secure storage units in North York. Reserve yours now by calling us at (647) 749-1398!

5 More Tips for Storing Your Items Safely During the Winter

A great number of the items in most households are seasonal. Some of those that you’ll need in the summer will be useless in the winter, and vice versa. As a result, it’s critical to safely store these items to keep them in good condition.

Storing items during winter is easier said than done, however. The elements, the temperature, as well as a lack of use, can wreak havoc on your belongings. When it comes to protecting your personal belongings throughout the winter months, there are a few things you need to consider.

Here are some storage tips for winter:

How Do You Store Things for the Winter

Make a list of the objects you want to store, select what should be kept and what should be donated or thrown out first. Throw away anything that is broken, ripped, cracked, or beyond fixing. Decide whether you want to spend the time cleaning, painting, or reupholstering it if it’s just dirty, faded, or rusty. If the answer is no, donate it; if the answer is yes, put it on your list of things to keep.

 Items should be washed and cleaned before storing


The simplest approach to keeping objects in winter storage from deteriorating is to always take extra precautions by carefully cleaning and storing each item. Allowing dust and dirt to sit with your belongings for months can cause a lot of damage.

Cleaning your belongings before keeping them protects not only the item but also the storage container. Make sure to dry your valuables after you’ve cleaned them. Water or moisture of any kind can cause issues, especially in the winter when liquids freeze and expand. Don’t forget to make all necessary repairs before storing your belongings, as well.

Covers and containers add more protection from the elements

Covering your valuables is an excellent way to keep them safe. Covering your belongings offers an added layer of cushioning and keeps bugs, dust, and debris out. However, you cannot simply cover your things with any material. Plastic and vinyl are not recommended because they can collect moisture or water and break or split when exposed to the cold in the winter. Wool or fabric coverings are the best materials to safeguard your items.

Moving blankets are also a terrific way to keep your possessions secure for an extended period. Packing materials are also beneficial for maintaining heat and safeguarding any objects in boxes. You can also place your items inside plastic containers instead of cardboard boxes. Plastic bins are durable and offer more protection from moisture and anything else that could try to sneak inside.


Climate-controlled storage containers are ideal for storing your belongings, especially those that are valuable or fragile. The cold may cause a lot of damage to a lot of things. Climate-controlled storage facilities protect your possessions from temperature-related harm, which is especially handy during the winter.

These storage units will keep moisture from accumulating and seeping into your electronic, motor-driven, rust-prone devices. Climate-controlled storage lockers are a sure-fire way to preserve all of your belongings in good shape.

General Tips to Storing Items During Winter

Storage during winter is tricky. There are several places where the temperature drops significantly below zero. So, regardless of the type of winter you have in your area, you’ll want to make sure your things are well-protected.

When arranging your storage unit, it makes sense to stack clothes and fabrics as high as possible in your storage locker. The reason for this is that humidity is denser than air and tends to sink. This means that the higher you store your clothes, the drier the air is and the safer your garments are.

Sporting goods must be stored correctly to protect their integrity

When it starts snowing, some equipment has to go. Winter storage for a camper is particularly important. Sporting goods and activity equipment don’t come cheap, and everyone understands that they are a significant investment. As a result, it would be a waste to harm perfectly good equipment by not properly storing them.

Like all other things, you have to clean them first correctly. It is not recommended for you to place them directly on the floor. If possible, hang them on a pegboard or place them on a pallet.

Before storing a car for winter, remove the batteries and empty the gas tank, as well as any other liquids in the vehicle. Check your tire pressure and make sure your car is covered with a tarp or other covering because cold weather might cause your tires to deflate.

Gas and flammable liquids should be dumped before storing

If you’re planning to store any type of engine-powered equipment (such as a lawnmower), make sure to empty the gas first. Remember that flammable liquids are not allowed in storage units.

Any old fuel that has remained in the tank for a long period can cause engine harm, so dump the tank to avoid having to make any repairs by next spring.
Also, make sure to clean the equipment thoroughly before storing it, and protect it with some form of cover.

Securing, preserving, and storing your assets effectively throughout the winter takes a lot of thought and effort. But, if you follow these tips, you will be relieved to find your belongings still in excellent shape next season.

If you are looking for a storage facility this winter, come to Centron Self-Storage in North York, Ontario. Reserve your unit now and keep your items safe by calling us at (647) 557-7378!

A Self-Storage Guide for First-Time Renters

People like to shop a great deal. Now that you can shop almost anywhere, it’s rather easy to acquire more things. Over time, these can accumulate. Buying isn’t a problem in itself. It’s when your belongings start to get crowded, and you don’t know where to place them or even have the space to put them in. Sure, there’s the option to donate or dump some of them. But, what about those you wish to keep — those with sentimental value?

This is where storage units can come in handy. These are facilities you can rent to store your belongings. They are the perfect solution for businesses who want to clean out their workspace or families who need to keep their seasonal equipment.

If this is your first time renting a storage unit, you’re not alone. It can be daunting to find the right storage unit for your belongings. After all, these are valuables, and you want to keep them as safe and secure as possible. Knowing what to expect with your first storage unit rental will help make it a smooth process.

Types of Storage Units

Climate-controlled units are ideal for fragile items

Climate-controlled storage, also known as temperature-controlled storage, is a type of self-storage unit specifically built to keep consistent temperatures and humidity levels. The temperature inside these units is strictly kept between 55°F and 85°F. These kinds of units are ideal for storing fragile items, such as furniture, electronics, and medical supplies,

Things to Consider When Choosing a Self-Storage Unit

There are numerous reasons why renting a self-storage unit is a good idea, but not all storage units and facilities offer the same perks and features. Here’s a handy checklist of things to consider when selecting a storage unit.


When it comes to storage units, size matters. If you’re going to rent a space, the floor size should be your number one priority, but don’t forget to consider the ceiling height as well. It will ultimately dictate how many items you can fit inside. Make a detailed list of the items you want to store to help you determine what unit size you’ll need. Keep in mind that the size of your unit will influence the costs of renting as well.

Tips for Renting a Storage Unit

Here are some things you need to know to make the process of renting your first storage unit as smooth as possible.

Gather information about the storage facility

The first thing you need to do is see which storage facilities offer the best deal for their price. You can go and search online to see how local companies stack up against each other. As you do your research, don’t forget the factors you should consider, such as the location, size, and price. You can also contact the facility and be sure to communicate your concerns.

Here are a few things you should look into while doing your research.

Make a list of what you’ll be moving into the storage unit

It’s a good way to create a list of items that you’d like to start with and what you might end up storing later. Because the cost of renting a storage unit goes up with size, realizing what you’ll need to store will help you determine how big the storage unit you’ll need is. It will also help you estimate a budget.

Make an initial inventory of everything you intend to keep in the storage unit and for how long. Taking the time to measure your items before renting will help you accurately estimate the size and decide the type of storage unit you need.

Some items, like leather, need a special type of storage unit

Some items can just be stored in a standard unit, but others may need special attention. Some goods, such as leather and wood furniture, electronics, and collectibles, are especially susceptible to temperature changes. If you plan to keep valuables like these, a climate-controlled unit is the way to go.

You should also be aware of your payment schedule, and remember to pay your rent on time every time. If you have difficulties remembering, see if an auto-pay option is available. Before renting, inquire with the store manager about any other details you need to know.

Read your contract from beginning to end to avoid misunderstandings and surprises. There could be penalties for late fees, and if you don’t pay within a specified amount of time, your storage unit may be repossessed.

Don’t forget to have the required documents ready for smooth processing

This is another important self-storage rental tip. When you arrive at the storage facility to move your goods in, you will be asked to provide specific documentation to complete the leasing process. Have all the required documentation ready, including a good photo ID, proof of insurance (or their rental insurance), and your current contact information.

The process of self-storage is easy and simple if you know what to do

Renting a self-storage unit should be a simple, easy, and affordable process that even first-time renters can do on their own. Be an informed customer with this guide on how to rent a storage unit.

If you’re looking for a storage rental in North York that offers the most value for your money, Centron Storage is here for you. We offer different storage sizes all at an affordable price. Call our telephone number (647) 557-7378 to reserve yours today.

Business Storage Tips for Small Business Owners

When it comes to delivering products into the hands of customers crisp and on time, a business storage warehouse usually plays a vital role. Without it, it may be hard to organize and manage the entry and exit of deliveries, increasing labour costs and the likelihood of delays. Unfortunately, for people who are just starting out in business, the budget can be a constraining factor. Businesses are always looking for ways to save money while maximizing space to store important items such as products, inventory, paperwork, and spare equipment. If you’re facing this problem, a business storage unit may be the answer.

Why Do Businesses Need Self-Storage Units?

Most businesses often use self-storage to get rid of excess supplies, store seasonal items such as Christmas or Halloween merchandise, or temporarily keep office furniture and equipment while not in use. 

If you’re still not convinced, here are more reasons why commercial storage is a positive thing for your small business:

The stockroom may not always be the most organized area of your establishment. As soon as new inventory arrives, they can become disorganized and cluttered fast, and you may run out of space in no time. 

By using a separate storage unit away from your business, you can easily manage your excess items, and set aside only those that are truly necessary for your in-house space. Besides, when you place heavy equipment and filing cabinets in storage, it can also free up more space in your workplace.

Decreasing workspace is part of the growing pains of a small business. As you expand, inventory and supplies simply cannot be accommodated. For home-based businesses, they may often find their work spilling into other areas of the house, such as the garage or the living room. 

Getting a storage unit for your small business allows you to store extra merchandise elsewhere. The space previously occupied by these items can then be converted into a new office. Using self-storage can be beneficial in this situation because it allows a business to grow by providing new space to conduct business.

Most facilities come with advanced security measures to keep valuables safe

Small business owners don’t have the luxury of solid in-house storage. Most valuables are instead placed inside a makeshift storage room, or sometimes inside their own houses like the basement or garage. As a result, these things are vulnerable to theft and damage.

Self-storage units, on the other hand, allow small business owners to take advantage of advanced security measures that come with the facility. These include security guards, passcodes, authorization, surveillance cameras, and gated entry. On top of these, they are also built with fire and disaster safety in mind, so you can rest assured that your items are safe in the event of an unfortunate incident.

If you’re a mechanic, landscaper, or construction contractor, you may always be around heavy equipment and potentially hazardous items, like saws, hammers, drills, and ladders. Worse, if you are a home-based business, these tools and equipment are risks to the rest of your household and must be kept out of reach of children.

As often is the case, you won’t be needing all this equipment for every job. Keeping extra inventory and construction materials in a self-storage unit is the perfect solution, not only are they convenient but also safe.

Because of the strict security measures, tenants are provided with their own set of locksets, keys, and access codes to their storage space. That means your belongings are doubly protected because almost no one else has access to this sensitive information. There is no way for anyone else to access the contents of the space, but it’s easy for tenants to get in and out of a facility with their code.

Whether you run an independent contractor business or a retail store, you would surely be running on a budget. If your resources are already constrained, it’s not always possible to move to a larger space. Renting a small business storage unit is a cost-effective alternative to paying more per month for a large, expensive lot. Get the room you need without breaking the bank with this innovative storage solution.

Small Businesses That Can Benefit From Self Storage

Many businesses find self-storage to be an excellent option. You can use it as a storage solution for your documents, inventories, and more. Some of those who enjoy the benefits of self-storage include:

It is rare for subcontractors to have their own office space, but they still need a lot of storage space to store their supplies, such as sheetrock, lumber, cement, and nails. Transporting heavier items is made easier by loading docks at storage facilities, which are available for heavy items as well.

Self-storage offers contractors flexibility and convenience. You can rent a unit near the construction site, saving you valuable time driving from one location to the next. 

In the restaurant and catering industry, excess supplies, equipment, and tools are a common occurrence. These include ingredients, utensils, banquet tables and chairs, china, and glassware, and you’ll need somewhere spacious to store them. Unfortunately, you also need to devote as much space for dining as possible to maximize profits. The best solution is to have a storage unit that your crew can easily access when necessary, leaving you more valuable space for other events. 

File cabinets can be placed in storage units to free up office space

Unless you are completely digital, running a business involves a lot of paperwork that tends to pile up quickly. It’s easy to start using filing cabinets, but as you accumulate more and more paper, filing cabinets can quickly outgrow their usefulness and begin to eat into your valuable workspace.

Since many law and medical employees are required to keep hard copies, small business file storage containing financial records, invoices, and tax documents can be safely stored in storage units equipped with climate control.

A retail business can always benefit from additional storage space, whether they have a physical store or sell exclusively on the internet. Inventory, marketing materials, and trade show supplies can be safely stored in self-storage units without compromising their integrity.

It can also help businesses better prepare for seasonal sales by acquiring merchandise before the holiday season’s peak sales period. Another option is for businesses to buy clearance stock that they can later resell at a regular price through strategic buying.

How to Organize a Business Inventory in Storage

Renting self-storage can be a great tool for optimizing your business and managing your inventory, but only if you can properly keep track of your inventory and supplies. Here are some self-storage tips for businesses on how to store and organize your inventory to make the most of the self-storage facility:

Make an inventory list for easy retrieval

The essence of storage doesn’t end with simply storing; you should be able to retrieve them easily. You’re putting them inside in hopes of needing them and finding them again in the future. As a result, it’s essential that you first make a list of everything you intend to store in self-storage. Take a look around your office and see what you can store to free up some space. Ask yourself what you need in the office on a daily basis, and what can be put in the storage unit to make room for new items. Many documents can also be stored in a safe place outside of the office as well.

It is important that you don’t rush your packing. If you want to keep the integrity of your inventory and supplies, pack efficiently. Sort and store small items in new, sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, and bins. Store items you aren’t planning on using for a while at the back of your unit and place those you use more frequently in front. To keep files organized and visible, store them in boxes or plastic bins that are specifically designed for this purpose. Avoid using random-sized containers and boxes as they may be unstable when stacked and cause them to collapse, making it difficult to retrieve them.

Be sure to review storage capacity, which is the maximum amount that something can hold. Multiply height x width x depth to get the cubic foot storage capacity. How many bins can it hold? How high can you stack them? How evenly spaced are they? This allows you to properly plan out how to place your containers inside and maximize every bit of space you’re paying for.

Well-organized spaces should be safe not only for the items but also for your employees to move around. There should be a clear order of operations in the flowchart. There should be clear zones for receiving and shipping. Especially, if you are storing varying merchandise, they should also be properly segregated. For example, if you are a restaurant, you need to designate separate areas for ingredients, utensils, and furniture. 

Signs and labels helps avoid confusion

This is a simple tip that you can put into action right away. Labelling your storage’s inventory and zones will help you maintain long-term organization and facility flow. You’ll need labels once you’ve established your warehouse layout so that employees know where to find what they need. For new employees or in facilities that frequently use temporary workers, this can be a huge asset.

Maps can assist your employees in finding their way around. For new or seasonal employees who may not be familiar with the facility, maps can be extremely helpful in guiding them to the right location. And the more quickly people reach their destination, the more quickly they can complete their tasks.

Receiving areas are necessary for sorting and moving new inventories to the appropriate area as soon as it’s obtained. Sometimes, the designated receiving area is near a receiving door. If you want to know how much room you need, estimate the average size of your deliveries.

Items with shelf life or expiration date in your warehouse inventory should be placed behind the older inventory so that you can move products in an orderly manner. Train all stocking employees to use the “First In, First Out” inventory control method to avoid expired or wasted items.

For a storage facility to stay in order, it’s vital to keep it clean. Hard work can go to waste because of the “set it and forget it” mentality. Regular maintenance prevents inventory damage and increases productivity. During the course of business, items are removed from the shelves and put back on the shelves. There should be a system in place where equipment and tools have a designated place to be stored and should be returned when finished with them. The aisles should be free of clutter and clean, so as to avoid confusion when items appear in inventory reports but not on storage.

Self-storage can help small businesses optimize operations

Self-storage can be used in a variety of ways to streamline your business operations. You can set yourself up for a successful business today and in the future by organizing your storage today.

If you’re looking for storage space for rent for your business needs, Centron Self-Storage is the right place for you. With on-site package delivery acceptance, dock level for truck deliveries, individual mailboxes, and carts and dollies available, our services are perfect for your small businesses. Call us at (647) 557-7378 to reserve your storage space today!

Common Self-Storage Mistakes to Avoid

You’ve reserved a storage unit and are eager to fill it with your belongings. They are excellent places to store your possessions while you’re moving, decluttering, making extra space in your home, or running a business. However, when it’s time to put your items in storage, it can be tempting to just throw everything in, close the door, and walk away.

The benefits of self-storage are tremendous but only if you store your items the right way. Packing, moving, and storing your belongings, like most things, needs careful consideration and planning. Not thinking ahead is a rookie mistake. Take a look at these common self-storage mistakes and storage unit organization tips so you can get the most out of your space.

What You Can and Cannot Store in Self-Storage

First, it is important that you are aware of what you should put and not put in storage. Understanding storage guidelines not only help you organize efficiently, but it can also keep you safe and even healthy.

Here’s a general list of what you can and cannot store in a self-storage facility — most of them are pretty straightforward:


Self-storage is an affordable option for businesses

Self-storage is becoming more popular among businesses for relocating and offsite storage. The cost per square foot is also way lower than a warehouse or additional office space, so it wouldn’t eat up much of your company budget. Self-storage is also ideal for small business owners such as realtors, caterers, home stagers and organizers.


If you have non-hazardous liquids, such as non-toxic paint or beauty supplies, make sure they’re kept in airtight containers or bags so they don’t spill or leak. Other than that, dispose of any unwanted hazardous goods. Check with your local waste management organization how.

Keep in mind, though, that there are several exceptions. Non-perishable goods, even those freeze-dried or dehydrated, rice and other grains, powdered milk, boxed goods, flour, and pet foods can go rancid, smell bad, and attract pests.

If you’re storing canned foods (tinned or in glass canning jars), make sure to check the expiration dates and any broken containers that could introduce moisture or bacteria.

Scented items may attract pests into your storage unit

These items are often overlooked, but you don’t want to store objects that are moist (even damp) or have strong odours. Moisture can introduce mould and mildew in your storage unit. So be sure to dry them before storing. If you’re moving on a wet, rainy day, carry a couple extra towels to dry off any damp goods, and then take those towels home with you. Don’t just drop them into a storage unit’s corner!

Rodents and other unpleasant pests are attracted to scented candles, potpourri, and other fragrant things. They may wreak havoc on your belongings once they’ve gained access to your storage space, gnawing through wiring, furniture, and whatever else their keen teeth can demolish.

12 Mistakes You Should Avoid

When renting a storage facility, take the time and extra effort to avoid these blunders so that you don’t end up with damaged items or a miserable experience.

  1. Using the Incorrect Box Size
    Using random-sized boxes is one of the most typical mistakes made by homeowners when packing for a storage unit. While recycling old liquor or fruit boxes is a wonderful idea, it makes it hard to achieve consistency and uniformity when organizing or stacking them up. Instead, use designated moving boxes, which come in three sizes: small, medium, and large, to save you the trouble of sorting things out. This makes stacking the boxes a lot easier, and it saves you time.
  2. Using Newspaper As Wrapper
    Even if you have the best of intentions, newspaper ink can smudge and bleed all over your items, especially if you don’t use a climate-controlled storage facility. You’ll be faced with the task of unpacking filthy belongings, some of which may be irrevocably ruined or tarnished. It’s preferable to use bubble wrap or ink-free paper — even a cheap roll of butcher’s paper is a better option.
  3. Using Plastic Bags or Cardboard Boxes

Always use plastic bins for packing to protect belongings

Using plastic bags or cardboard boxes is a bad idea because. Plastic bags provide little to no protection for your belongings and cardboard boxes can attract moisture and pests. Instead of using either one of these, opt for plastic bins. These are sturdy and not prone to moisture, providing better protection for your items

4. Not Packing Correctly
While there is no one best way to organize a storage unit, systematic planning and packing of different items go a long way in ensuring efficient use of your storage area.

Picture frames, porcelain, fine china, and platters should be covered in bubble wrap and sandwiched between two pieces of thin cardboard. This protects the products from breaking during shipment by cushioning them. Food should be packed separately in airtight containers. If possible, furniture should be disassembled. Use padding and packing peanuts to protect larger, heavier objects.

Always put the heaviest and most durable objects at the bottom of the storage unit, place household items you expect to use frequently in front, and be sure to leave a passage as you fill your storage unit to the maximum capacity so you can still reach all of your belongings.

5. Moving Too Heavy Boxes
Most people also make the error of storing heavy objects in a single box. It not only makes the box difficult to transport but also jeopardizes the box’s stability. How many times have you seen someone lifting a large box and the contents begin to slip out of the bottom? To avoid this, divide heavy items among numerous moving boxes and limit each box to no more than 40 pounds.

6. Not Leaving Enough Time
One of the worst things you can do when moving is to leave everything until the last minute. You’ll be more prone to tossing boxes in a hurry, damaging or crushing your stuff, as well as injuring yourself. This could also cause you to be behind schedule. As the saying goes, haste leads to waste, and this is certainly true when it comes to packing. Do yourself a favour by planning your move ahead of time. Allow plenty of time to organize your storage facility and hire expert movers to assist with the heavy lifting.

7. Forgetting to Label Your Boxes

Label and list your items to avoid losing them

Going through unlabelled boxes in a self-storage unit is like finding a needle in a haystack. Even if you plan to return and completely unpack your storage unit, it will help you and your moving company if you know where each box should go as you unpack.

Make an inventory of everything you’ll be putting in your storage unit. Label the boxes so you know where to look. Knowing what’s in your locker or mini-storage unit is also beneficial from an insurance standpoint.

8. Choosing the Wrong Storage Size
It’s difficult for first-time tenants to predict the correct unit size they need. While smaller units are less expensive, cramming all of your stuff into a small space is never a good idea. You may save money now, but you risk damaging your belongings in the long run. If you’re not sure what size unit will work best for you, use a storage calculator. It can help you visualize each storage container size and what may fit into each one.

9. Not Cleaning Before Storing
Cleaning is critical in preserving the condition of your items. Mould growth, harmful germs, pest infestation, and rapid decay can all come from uncleaned stored items. It can start with a single thing and expand to the rest of your belongings. Simply wiping them dry and dusting them can make all the difference.

10. Not GettingStorage Insurance
Insurance is in place to protect your things in the case of a fire, theft, and other unforeseen events. Generally, storage facilities need you to sign documentation stating that they are not responsible for any items that are lost, damaged, or stolen. As a result, if something happens to your belongings, you are fully responsible for their replacement. You need insurance that covers all goods in the self-storage facility for the safety of your personal belongings. Even if the possibilities of untoward incidents happening are slim, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

11. Failing to Check Storage Security Features

Always check the storage security features before storing your items

When it comes to choosing storage space, many people forget this crucial factor. It’s easy to believe that as long as your goods are sealed inside the storage facility’s compound, no one will steal them. Never take security for granted.

When looking for a storage unit, make sure to look at the safety features. Though the storage management ensures that your items are secure, it is still a good idea to conduct your own research on how you can keep things safe in a storage unit and voice any issues you may have. Inquire about your concerns because the protection of your stuff is the most important factor.

12. Storing Prohibited Items
While getting a storage container can help you organize your house, there are some items that you simply cannot put in one. This includes food, plants, pets, and flammable materials. If you have any queries about what you can and can’t store in your storage unit, contact the facility manager for clarification.

To make self-storage simple and successful, keep these storage tips in mind. If you own a storage unit and have been committing any of these mistakes, now is the time to remedy that. Not only will this help you preserve the integrity of your items, but it will also help you in organizing your unit.

Looking for self-storage units for rent in North York? Centron Self Storage offers secure storage units in various sizes to meet your space needs. Reserve yours now at (647) 749-1397.